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In this Unit you will learn how to frame each floor and roof 'diaphram' of your house using conventional wood framing and in some cases, steel frame techniques. You will be taught the basics of Structural Engineering and its considerations on Architectural Design, so that you can apply it in upcoming units and design projects. You will also calculate roof and floor gravity loads and where needed, determine the size of beams or headers needed to support a calculated distributed load.
Email copies of your Main Floor, Upper Floor with Roof Plan showing all hips, valleys, ridges and overhangs with overall exterior dimensions for both floors.
Email drafted Framing Plan base sheets to review in class.
DUE - 1/5/22

Beginning with your Roof Plan, using the Upper Floor Plan that shows only tops of walls, window and door openings wider than 4' and containing the rooflines, draft on the computer, all the framing members as determined by the instructor or Structural Engineer.
Each member can be shown as a single continuous line and beams be drawn with a heavy centerline and centered on load bearing walls or posts.
Remember to show all point load studs and posts, denoted with and X through them. Size and spacing of each member will be influenced by your unique design and structural characteristics and as determined by you and your engineer.
Note: Typically, 2x4 or 6 pre-engineered & manufactured truss's are spaced @ 24" o.c. and 2x12 rafters @ 16" o.c. unless otherwise determined by your Structural Engineer.
DUE - 1/10/22

Draft on the computer, all the floor joists, load bearing posts and beams as determined by your Structural Engineer.
The Upper Floor Framing Plan is drawn over the top of your Main Floor Plan that show only tops of walls, window and door openings wider than 4' . Each member can be shown as a single continuous line and beams be drawn with a heavy centerline centered on load bearing posts and walls.
Remember to show all point load studs and posts, denoted with and X through them and in some cases, the point loads above using hidden lines. Size and spacing of each member is typically 16" o.c. but may vary depending on design influences and structural characteristics.
DUE - 1/14/22

Draft on the computer, all the framing members including floor joists, load bearing posts and beams as determined by the instructor or Structural Engineer. The Main Floor Framing Plan is drawn over the top of your Foundation Plan.
Each member can be shown as a single continuous line and beams be drawn with a heavy centerline.
Remember to show all point load studs and posts, denoted with and X through them and in some cases, the point loads above using hidden lines. Size and spacing of each member is typically 16" o.c. but may vary depending on design influences and structural characteristics. .
DUE - 1/21/22

As you developed your framing plans and followed the (gravity) load paths down the foundation, supporting them along the way in various forms such as bearing walls, post & beams, multiple joists, trusses, etc. , you identified the distributed loads and point loads which you now must calculate the size of beam, post or truss required to support the weight of the 'dead' loads imposed on them. To do this, you must first identify the amount (area) that is loaded on the beam, wall or post. Once this is done, and any other loads from previous locations identified, the total load can be calculated and entered into the equation below.
Note that this is a basic equation for Uniform Gravity Loads using timber manufacturers charts and not to be intended as a substitute for professional structural engineering.
In addition, calculations for lateral forces and loads, including wind and seismic forces and structural details are also required to obtain a building permit.
Load area in sq.ft x 40psf (pounds per sq.ft.) = Total Load# divided by Beam Span. (often the length of the beam) which will determine your P.l.f. - Pounds per lineal ft. load on the beam. From there, you can find the size of beam required to support your roof or floor load per the beam chart as explained in class. Remember to clearly examine your load paths and add any additional distributed or point loads into your equations as you follow the loads from the roof, each floor and down to the foundation.
DUE - 1/28/22

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