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As you've been taught in previous Design/CAD courses, Programming is the beginning of any design process. Identifying and considering the clients or users every design need and fulfilling them as much as possible is essential to the success of any type of project.
You'll be applying all that you've learned in previous Design/CAD classes to projects that you'll be doing throughout the year.
The next unit will require you to apply an understanding of this unit to make choices and decisions for future design assignments including a 'unique type' built environment of your own choice.

At least one of your projects will involve an existing site that you will need to analyze and develop an individual or comprehensive plan for and include it in the program, design and presentation of your project.
Read the article and watch the video in the link below
and answer these questions:
1. List 4 of the categories of data that are collected in Site Analysis?
2. Before visiting or even considering a site, what is one thing
you should research and know about the geological conditions?
3. What are 3 Site and Zoning issues to consider before designing.
4. What are some elements included in 'vernacular' context.
5. What are 10 things to observe while visiting the site?
Guide to Site Analysis
Visiting the Site
DUE - 9/26/24

2. Watch these 2 short videos and answer the questions below.
What is Architectural Programming
Architectural Design Process - Programming
1. What is main goal or 'aim' of the Programming Phase?
2. Defining the number of users and the type of activity with floor
areas and square footage leads to what ......about space? 3. What is FF&E?
4. What information does a 'block diagram' give you?
5. What are the 2 parts of Program Analysis?
3. Create a complete program for your project in outline form.
DUE - 9/30/24

Sketch a Site Analysis diagram of the property you have chosen for your Semester project. Show location of existing buildings if any and other buildings surroundoing the property and note how many 'stories' or floors they are.
This should be a comprehensive (all in one) diagram that includes
1. North Arrow
2. Approximate Summer & Winter Sun angles and shadow areas.
3. Adjacent streets and traffic/pedestrian flow direction. Include street lights, intersections, crosswalks and signage if any.
4. Noise patterns including time of day variations.
5. Wind & rain predominant patterns.
6. Natural and manmade features i.e. large vegetation, pools, decks, driveways, yards & play areas, walkways etc.
7. Surrounding views in all directions
8. If the property is sloped, show which direction it slopes down for drainage design purposes. If flat, note where the water drains.
This can be done freehand or on a computer. It doesn't need to be to an exact 'scale' but should be to somewhat accurate proportions.
As you can see by many of the examples, this is more like an ART project. So be creative and take your time as this is an assignment that can go in your portfolio.
You are also required to have fun doing this assignment
See more examples.
DUE - 10/4/24

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